Did you ever ask yourself what are those food additives/chemicals that we have a hard time pronouncing on the labels of the food we buy?  Some of these chemicals may shock you. In my research I’ve noticed that most additives are known to cause weight gain, hence the obesity problems we have today in the states.  One of the best …


IMMUNIZATION CONTROVERSY Educate yourself on what is really in those “WELLNESS” injections! There are always going to be pro-vaxxers and anti-vaxxers I have learned it is okay to be skeptical of the vaccines; however, we need to do our due diligence in seeking information before making our decisions to vaccinate our children. There is so much information available that we …

Seasonal Affective Disorder!

“SAD”, and that lost feeling… I’m one of those people who suffers from “seasonal affective disorder”.  It can be a real depressing time, when you have to go through this, and for those who do not suffer from this, you may not understand why or what it is… How does it start for me? “SAD” seems to start for me …


10 HEALTH BENEFITS OF CAYENNE PEPPER  Cayenne Pepper contains a high concentration component called Capsaicin, which has been proven to help treat many medical issues. Boost your Metabolism which can encourage Weight loss – The heat from the cayenne pepper helps the body to burn more calories.  Studies have shown that cayenne speeds up the metabolism as well as suppresses …


10 HEALTH BENEFITS OF TURMERIC Turmeric has many known health benefits attached to it.  It is widely used in Chinese and Indian dishes.  Doctors in India and China also see the health benefits related to turmeric due to it’s ani-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.  Adding Bioperine which is black pepper to a meal or drink will assist the turmeric to absorb …


MAKE YOUR OWN COLLOIDAL SILVER:  Making colloidal silver is not difficult. These are some of the items I use to make Colloidal Silver WHAT YOU WILL NEED: Glass pan – to heat up the distilled water Distilled water 27 volt generator – most require three 9V batteries Amber or cobalt blue bottles .9999 pure silver wire (recommend 12 to 14 …

IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) Natural ways to help with Symptoms

IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME (IBS) Over 60 Million people suffer from this debilitating disease.  There are no known cures for IBS.  Some doctors may even say it’s all in your head.  IBS can come and go.  It can last weeks, sometimes years.  Some never over come the symptoms of IBS.  Symptoms experienced are constipation, others have runny diarrhea, which can come …