I can’t say enough about this amazing honey which has been referred to as “Liquid Gold”. It comes from New Zealand where Manuka bushes grow naturally. Bees pollinate these bushes which creates this amazing anti-fungal product. It speeds up the healing process and fights infections.
More and more hospitals today use this product on burn victims. Manuka honey is known to heal cuts, scraps, bug bites, clearing infections, acid reflux, sore throat, acne, digestive support, gum disease, boost your immune system, gives you energy to mention a few. When purchasing Manuka honey you want to ensure it has a minimum rating of 10 UMF for best results.
PERSONAL EXPERIENCES: Please note, everyone is different, these are my personal experiences. I hope you have the same results. Some individuals may take longer, or quicker depending on their problem and severity.
CUTS: my experiences I have seen the healing process within a day or two depending on the severity of the wound. It may sting for a few minutes when you apply the honey. If you feel you need stitches, I would recommend going to the hospital. How to apply: depending on the size of the wound, put a small amount onto the wound and cover it with a bandage, change the bandage as needed. Manuka honey will also reduce scaring. NOTE: Do not stick your finger into the jar of honey, use a butter knife or utensil so as not to contaminate the remaining honey in the jar.
BURNS: Can’t say enough about my experience with a burn and Manuka Honey. Almost instant relief, again depending on the severity of the burn. As with a cut or scrap, you would apply the honey to the burn and cover with a sterile bandage. Change as needed. Recently I burned my arm on the oven door. it wasn’t a blistering type of burn, but it hurt irregardless. I first applied ice to stop the burning. Once dry, apply Manuka honey to the burned area, cover with a sterile bandage or a band aid will also work. Honestly it hurt, and stilled burned through the night, but my morning there was no more pain and the burn was almost completely gone.
BUG BITES: Have used this on mosquito bites, fire ant bites, bee stings. I’ve witnessed a mosquito bite go from here to gone within hours. Recently I was bit by a fire ant, oh my how painful that was. Quickly I applied some Manuka honey and within hours no more pain and itching was not a factor.
Depending on how quickly you get to the bug bite may alter your results. I’m generally right on it as a bugs typically finds me when I’m at home, and Manuka Honey is always on hand in our household. Bee stings seem to take a bit longer to heal, not sure if it’s my DNA or the fact that I might be somewhat allergic to them. But the results are still amazing.
GUM DISEASE: Gingivitis is a painful and so not fun infection. I would put a spoonful in my mouth a few times a day and suck on it for as long as I could. My dentist was amazed at how my gingivitis had cleared up. I did tell him what I was doing and he said he would share that information with his patients. Not sure if he has, so I will do it myself. I’ve also experienced nerve pain in my mouth from having a root canal done. I can not tell you how manka honey has help to subside the pain I have endured from that as well. Another great method for gingivitis is unrefined coconut oil, it also helps with nerve pain. I will get into that amazing product in another post.
STOMACH ISSUES: Thankfully I do not have stomach problems, but my father in-law does (i.e. acid reflux, IBS). He has started to take a spoonful of Manuka Honey once or twice a day. He has noticed a significant improvement in his digestive symptoms since doing this. What Manuka honey does is kill bacteria in the digestive system and helps reduce acid reflux as well as balance the digestive system and intestinal imbalances.
We hope that you found this helpful, and if you would like to see more information about this and other natural home remedies, please let us know.